Arbitration Policies
The Buyer must submit an arbitration complaint to the Head Arbitrator of CNY Auto Auction manager PRIOR TO THE LAST VEHICLE RUNNING THROUGH THE AUCTION LANES.
If a vehicle is arbitrated, the buyer must provide a current contract number, cell or office, so that we can provide the results of the arbitration. If no contact number is left with the auction, the buyer is bound to that vehicle if it is not disqualified. Exceptions to this must be approved by CNY Auto Auction Management.
The Head Arbitrator will inspect only the defect(s), which are on the arbitration form. Each vehicle is allowed one chance at mechanical arbitration. If a price adjustment is made and accepted, the vehicle becomes “AS IS”, property of the buyer, and is no longer subject to arbitration. This also excludes frame or unibody damage.
In matters of interpretation of Auction Policy, the decision of Auction management will be final.
All mechanical arbitrations must be presented on the day of the sale. Unless there is a pending Post Sale Inspection (PSI), next day is too late. It is the Auction’s responsibility to inform the Seller of any pending PSI or arbitration resulting from Sale Day.
The Buyer should thoroughly check and test drive every vehicle after it is purchased. If there is a problem, a complaint must be filed within the established arbitration time limit. The Buyer assumes responsibility for mechanical failure after leaving the auction once the arbitration period is over.